Transforming Waste into Eco-Friendly Products

Innovative Uses: From Plastic Waste to Tarps, Artificial Fingernails, and Tents

GreenSpace Recycling Impact (GRI) is a social enterprise founded by Didier Maliki, a young Congolese refugee, with a mission of protecting the environment and combating climate change. Didier is witnessing firsthand the harmful effects of soil pollution from plastic waste, especially polythene bags, which is inspiring him to take action.


Through climate education, recycling, and upcycling, GRI is aiming to reduce soil pollution and create a greener, cleaner Kampala. They are conducting awareness campaigns via social media and community engagement.

GRI is also transforming plastic waste into eco-friendly products such as tarps, artificial fingernails, and tents.

Participating in the I-UPSHIFT program is marking one of GRI’s key milestones, allowing them to develop and test their project. With a vision for the future, Didier and his team are remaining dedicated to inspiring young people to become the change they wish to see in the world.

Didier puts it into perspective by saying, “Imagine living in a community ravaged by climate disorders, with floods every time it rains!” It is this vision of preventing such environmental impacts that is driving the work of GRI in addressing plastic waste pollution and fostering a closer connection between people and their environment.


4 thoughts on “Transforming Waste into Eco-Friendly Products”


    Toutes mes félicitations au jeune entrepreneur. C’est vraiment une idée géniale et je pense qu’il mérite notre soutien à tous et particulièrement celui du gouvernement. Notre environnement est déjà en difficulté et ce genre d’initiative doit toujours être une priorité. Bonne chance et toute mes félicitations


    A very transformative Innovation is reclaiming our environment with its values.
    Many thanks to Youths who are out to innovate for a social impact. I love this great story.

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